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Character Analysis

LANG: female, young, absolutely feral. Daughter of RHONDA and best friend to JAK, LANG has difficulty appropriately expressing her emotions. She is deeply traumatized, wrathful, and often violent. Her rage manifests in the form of IKKI IKKI.


JAK: female, young, mean as a snake. Cousin of FLORIAN and best friend to LANG, JAK is an extremely skilled manipulator. Although she is fixated on sex and will use her body as a weapon, JAK is better adjusted than LANG. She wants to be bad, but deep down she is a "good" girl and would probably have gone on to live a "normal" life.


FLORIAN: Male, not-so-young, burgeoning. Pic-N-Pak employee and cousin to JAK, FLORIAN is caught in the awkward stage between teenager and young man. He is sensitive, intelligent, awkward, and obsessed with anatomy. He often tries to take a position of authority, but is easily brought down by his insecurity and inexperience.


RHONDA: Female, soul killer. Mother to LANG, RHONDA is a violent, malicious, and brutal parent. JAK implies that she is a sex worker.  The trauma she inflicts upon LANG is scarier than any witch, but it is unclear how much of her character is created by LANG. At the end of the show we see a much different, much kinder mother who works as a hotel maid.


TWEEK: Female, ancient, wild. Sharp and shrill, TWEEK is the other half to DEX. She wears the carapace of a biker chick, but is clearly some sort of supernatural chaos entity from the beginning of time.


DEX: Female, ancient, horrifying. Strong and bruising, DEX is the other half to TWEEK. When TWEEK twists the knife, DEX comes in low with a punch to the gut. Together they represent the power and terror of femininity.


IKKI IKKI/DEAD DOG/RED DOG: half canine-half witch, dead, a little girl. IKKI IKKI is LANG's witch, a symbol of ultimate power and control. She revels in her filth and ugliness, and is made more powerful because of it. DEAD DOG is the sacrifice to IKKI IKKI, and eventually IKKI IKKI bursts forth from her flesh. RED DOG was DEAD DOG's name when she was alive and living with DEX and TWEEK.




Nightbloom Theatre Co.

© 2019 by Casey Venema

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