Rehearsal Plan
1. Welcome/Introductions
a. Emergency Contact, allergies etc.
b. Reporting problems/concerns- chain of command
2. Nightbloom Theatre Co.
a. Who are we?
i. Values/protections (CLEan House, Equity breaks, etc.)
b. Why did we start the company?
c. Plans for the future
d. Space/production Calendar
3. Marketing
a. Tell your friends! We are brand new!
b. Two comps per person
4. Director's Remarks
a. History of the Play
b. Why are we producing this now?
i. Anti-bildungsroman
ii. Little girls, rage, filth, and the cost/ privilege of anger
iii. Death as ownership
iv. Abuse and Soul Murder
v. Witches and horror- motifs and relation to nature
c. Conceit
i. scenic: "The Garbage of Eden"
ii. Sound: Tanya Tagac and sounds of suffering
iii. FX makeup
d. Approach/Rehearsal Breakdown
i. Emphasis on exploration
ii. Table work
iii. Movement work
iv. Scene work
v. Tech
5. Read-through
6. Discussion
7. Table work
The first rehearsal went remarkably well! It was so exciting to finally get everyone in the same room at the same time. We certainly have an extremely thoughtful and spunky cast. The read through was quite a good first hack at this crazy script. Tomorrow, Colin and I are going to go in and refine interpretation a little bit, but already the actors are bringing some really interesting qualities to the table. Table work was illuminating as well. Most everyone had a lot to say, except JP who was particularly quiet. Colin and I think it's a mixture of exhaustion (He's still in performances for another show) and deference for all of the women in the room. Hopefully we can bring him out of his shell a little bit tomorrow!